Hi Everyone,
After our tour yesterday I have been thinking more about what type of library I want to create. Although I think mine will inevitably be a hybrid of different kinds (such as a medical and scientific library with some interactive elements, like a museum, thrown in), it was interesting to do some research on more "official" types of libraries. Like most of you, I have heard of different types but never given it much thought, especially in the public realm- research vs. browsing, etc.
So I looked around and found one of the most comprehensive lists on Wikipedia (sorry, but useful): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Types_of_libraries. The list is pretty exhaustive and the bibliographic links are very helpful. I also found the ALA, American Library Association, which I'm sure some of you are aware of but I am just finding. I recommend checking out their entire site; I'm sure it can be useful for all of us, no matter what direction we're going in, but they, too, have a list of different types: http://www.ala.org/ala/educationcareers/careers/librarycareerssite/typesoflibraries.cfm.
Note that its in reference to library careers, which (predictably) are facing major cutbacks in this digital age. Hope that's helpful!
Pretty funny that we feel the need to apologize for using sites like Wikipedia right?