Monday, March 07, 2011

Library Types

Hi Everyone,

After our tour yesterday I have been thinking more about what type of library I want to create. Although I think mine will inevitably be a hybrid of different kinds (such as a medical and scientific library with some interactive elements, like a museum, thrown in), it was interesting to do some research on more "official" types of libraries. Like most of you, I have heard of different types but never given it much thought, especially in the public realm- research vs. browsing, etc.

So I looked around and found one of the most comprehensive lists on Wikipedia (sorry, but useful): The list is pretty exhaustive and the bibliographic links are very helpful. I also found the ALA, American Library Association, which I'm sure some of you are aware of but I am just finding. I recommend checking out their entire site; I'm sure it can be useful for all of us, no matter what direction we're going in, but they, too, have a list of different types:
Note that its in reference to library careers, which (predictably) are facing major cutbacks in this digital age. Hope that's helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty funny that we feel the need to apologize for using sites like Wikipedia right?


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