Just a quick note- I know many of us yesterday were talking about trusses and structure while dealing with curtain walls or glazing. I found a semi-relevant precedent on my way home- the Boston U. Agganis Arena. If you look at the windows facing Comm. Ave. (approaching from Kenmore Square, so before you get to the main entrance) you can clearly see all of the structural systems in the first floor behind their large windows. This is only semi-relevant because they aren't using a curtain wall in this particular example, but it may be a good inspiration point or example of how to celebrate or make a moment out of necessary structural members. I honestly don't think they did a good job of highlighting it or making it a larger piece of the composition, but its a good start for understanding how this might look and ways in which you could make it bolder or less obvious. I attached some images of the building below, both the front entrance (left, below) and the actual windows I'm talking about (right) along Comm. Ave.